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Monday, August 24, 2020
Buddhist Education in Vietnam Free Essays
Practically 85% of the whole populace of Vietnam is Buddhist . The primary purpose behind this huge acknowledgment of Buddhism is its initial passageway in Vietnam. Buddhism entered Vietnam in the start of second century. We will compose a custom paper test on Buddhist Education in Vietnam or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now This was the Common Era and can be called as the primary period of the Buddhist training in Vietnam . The absolute first Buddhist instruction was given by a Taoist named Meou-Po, who later changed over to Buddhism . As indicated by numerous students of history, even before this Taoist, some type of Buddhist training could be seen when the Chinese ministers came to Vietnam . The Chinese teachers came in Vietnam during the standard of Si-Nhiep. Afterward, two Indian priests likewise originated from India to Vietnam, so as to rehearse and lecture Buddhism. Mama Ha Ky Vuc and Khau Da La remained in Vietnam for quite a while, later Khau Da La left though Ma Ha Ky Vuc remained. Mama Ha Ky Vuc was an extremely strict man and used to quick for a few days. As per him this filtered his body and soul. These two Buddhist priests previously came to Northern Vietnam, which was called as Giao-Chi around then. Mau-Bac, a Chinese Buddhist later came to Vietnam, so as to lecture his religion. Around then China was the focal point of a genuine political clash, henceforth numerous researchers so as to learn and lecture settled, came to Vietnam. This was an achievement for the Buddhism. These were the primary individuals ever to get Buddhism in Vietnam. They were displaced people from China and Pilgrims from India. As time passed by Buddhism turned out to be progressively acknowledged and most rehearsed religion in Vietnam. Start OF BUDDHIST EDUCATION A Hindu value, Gautama who didn't care for the possibility of Hindu rank framework, was the organizer of Buddhism. Gautama didn't accept that any man could be better than the other and as Hinduism Brahmans are viewed as predominant, he left this religion . Gautama had spent numerous years meandering and ruminating. At long last he discovered responses to every one of his inquiries and henceforth found the way of edification, â€Å"nirvana†. As indicated by Buddhism, nirvana is the way to interminable peacefulness. It is liberated from the pattern of birth, demise and resurrection. In addition, an individual will accomplish salvation in the event that he puts stock in the four honorable facts. These four respectable realities are that a man endures in the entirety of his back to back lives; the purpose behind his sufferings is his needs for natural things, when the individual liberates himself from all the needs of natural things he at that point accomplishes redemption. The last honorable truth says that an individual can accomplish redemption by following the eightfold respectable way . So how did Buddhism really spread? During the time Si-Nhiep administered Giao-Chi, it was considered as a sheltered spot. Mau-Bac came to Vietnam searching for harmony and serenity. Subsequent to coming to Vietnam, he contemplated Buddhism from an Indian priest named Ksudra . Mama Ha Ky Vuc who additionally came to Vietnam got along with Mau-Bac and began lecturing their religion. Ksudra likewise began helping them, thus individuals in Vietnam, who never recognized what Buddhism was, began learning and tolerating it. These were the absolute first individuals to begin lecturing and educating Buddhism. Their instructing is the early type of lessons found in Vietnam. After these, numerous Buddhist priests came to Vietnam. Khang Tang Hoi and Cuong Luong Lau were two priests who had a great deal of effect. They made an interpretation of numerous Buddhist books into Chinese. As Vietnamese culture around then was impacted a great deal by Chinese and Chinese was the official language utilized , thus deciphering these books had a ton of effect to individuals who couldn't peruse or compose different dialects . Periods OF VIETNAMESE BUDDHISM The historical backdrop of Buddhist instruction in Vietnam can be concentrated by isolating it into four separate stages or periods. †The development of Buddhism in Vietnam. This began from the BC and endured till the finish of Chinese territory †Climax of Buddhism. Buddhism was at its top during the autonomy †The wantonness after the Le Dynasty †Revival period. This began in the start of the twentieth century and has not finished at this point. The period before the Common Era establishes the framework for the start and advancement of Buddhist instruction in Vietnam. It was when Siddhartha Gautama, who will later accomplish edification and will be called as ‘Buddha’ was conceived. As he was conceived in India, Indians were the first to learn Buddhism. Later when Buddhism came to China, numerous Chinese priests went to Vietnam so as to spread Buddhism. In any case, it accepted that the Chinese and Indian shippers came to Vietnam for exchanging. They carried priests with them saying that the priests were the â€Å"calmer of the sea†These priests began lecturing their religion in Vietnam. It was simple for them to show their religion to numerous individuals one after another, as Luy-Lau, later known as Ha-Bac was the focal point of all exchanging exercises. All the dealers who came here to exchange, and vendors who were going among India and China, halted here to rest, subsequently, priests had the option to spread their religion without any problem. Numerous teacher exercises were begun thus. Religious communities were manufactured and Buddhism got significant. This was the first run through ever throughout the entire existence of Vietnam, that religious communities were assembled . The following time frame or stage end up being best for Vietnamese Buddhism. In this period Buddhist investigations were at their pinnacle and numerous popular individuals and rulers changed over to this religion. It was when King Dinh Tien Hoang came in to control. Buddhism has its own progression of priests and ministers who were acknowledged by the court. Buddhism was currently upheld by the regal court and this helped numerous positive changes to happen. Buddhists were currently regarded and were considered as educated individuals. They were asked exhortation by the regal court and the rulers before taking choices. This helped them engage in numerous political and strict choices and thus giving numerous choices to be taken by them. This time genuinely end up being the best for Buddhist investigations and it got one of the most prevalent religions. After this, numerous rulers and heads changed over to Buddhism. Numerous laws came into training in this time, which were affected by Buddhism, and thus were supportive of the Buddhists. Van Hanh turned into a Buddhist in this period. He is known as the contemplation ace and has affected numerous individuals to change over to Buddhism. Any ruler who was not Buddhists was at any rate the supporter of Buddhism and this was an extremely positive point for the Buddhists. In 1010 A. D, right around eight cloisters were worked in Ha Bac. Every other religious community and Buddhist sanctuaries were additionally fixed. Tripitaka writings, which were in China at first, were gotten Vietnam. A great many Buddha sculptures and works of art were made and set up. Celebrations were set up. Numerous new religious communities, for example, Sung Kharh cloister and cloister at Mount Ba were manufactured. In 1086 A. d Dai Lam religious community was worked in Ha Bac. Later in 1118 A. D Thien Phat was manufactured which had right around 1,000 Buddha sculptures . BUDDHIST STUDIES The whole Buddhist instruction originates from the investigations of Buddha, who is the incomparable instructor. The entirety of the examinations root from saddha, which is the confidence in triple Gem. Depdnding upon these investigations the understudies are instructed by the five principles. The understudies should know the principles, their explanation and their machine in every day lives. Above all, they ought to value every one of these standards and put stock in them. The understudies should comprehend what is liberality and selflessness. These are basic components that help the understudies defeat their common wants, their narrow-mindedness and avarice. These five good principles are subject to one another. An understudy can pick up by suta, which is by broad perusing of Buddhism writings. As per Buddhist investigations the information on an individual is reliant on his inside conviction of truth I. e. Dhamma. Quiet and understanding are the two primary components of any Buddhist instructing. In Buddhist training assignments and intelligence are subject to one another. An understudy can accomplish astuteness by profound examination, conversation and knowledge. This astuteness was the fundamental instruments which lead Buddha to salvation. This astuteness is the crown of all instructions of Buddhism. Without insight, instruction is deficient. Prior to French, individuals were picked dependent on their training. These were authorities known as â€Å"mandarins†. Learning was significant in those occasions. It was instruction as well as it lead an individual to scholarly understanding, social standing, riches and influence. Buddhism came straightforwardly from India, thus there are numerous words in Vietnamese Buddhism which are impacted or are taken legitimately from India. The word Buddha is likewise taken for what it's worth. Be that as it may, as the Vietnamese culture is impacted a great deal from the Chinese, henceforth when Chinese priests came to Vietnam, the word Buddha was supplanted by the word Phat. Back then, Buddhism in Vietnam was affected by Theravada Buddhism. It was viewed as religion which helped great individuals and rebuffed the terrible. It was hard to show Buddhism around then as next to no writing was accessible. Vietnamese had no composed content; henceforth a couple of interpretations were made in Chinese. The time somewhere in the range of 544 and 602 was an autonomous time and was useful in spreading Buddhism The most effective method to refer to Buddhist Education in Vietnam, Papers
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Hitler Youth: The Future of Germany :: Nazi German Hitler History Essays
Hitler Youth: The Future of Germany The Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend-HJ) were for Hitler the eventual fate of the Nazi party. Hitler’s dream of a multi year Reich must be cultivated through the young, which were considered the most significant part of Germany's future as an incredible country. What's to come of the German country relies upon its childhood, and the German youth will must be readied for its future duties.(i) The adolescent were significant in light of the fact that they would proceed with the Nazi inheritance and spread purposeful publicity to people in the future. Hitler was so fixated on his mission for the eventual fate of Germany, that he dedicated the greater part of his undertakings, for example, the securing of Lebensraum and the disposal of the subhumans, to acquire land for the people in the future. Hitler was not some all relentless God that had the option to simply snap his fingers and the young would tail him, he was supported in the way that the young were on their very own mission: freedom. They were vivacious, brimming with life, and had a mind-boggling love for Germany alongside soul and a mission to discover their situation throughout everyday life. Hitler perceived these qualities of the adolescent and chose to join them into his arrangement for the National Communist German Worker's Party (NSDAP or Nazi Party) to thrive. These attributes and Hitler's contribution turned into the main catastrophe and motivation of the German youth development. This adolescent development started before World War I, was the outcome of the modern insurgency, and came to be known as the ‘Youth Revolution.’(ii) The Early Movement In the 1920's, the German youth were included in around 2,000 gatherings and associations. The most well known association was the Wandervogel, which was well known due to the association of sports. Young men had the option to go on end of the week withdraws, where they would climb and figure out how to make due all alone in the wild. Sorted out games of soccer and other different rivalries kept the interests of the youngsters. The Wandervogel were noted for their love of the land, not the new, present day comforts of the urban areas. Climbing and skiing were picked over exercises, for example, viewing a film or heading off to a move. The Wandervogel, which was framed November 4, 1901(iii), mirrored the principle mentalities of the of the adolescent development. American Boy Scouts saluting Hitler Youth in Munich in 1935. Koch p. 196. Here and there the Wandervogel was a sign of the recognizable mind-set of weariness and anxiety appearance of Wilhelmian Germany was minimal in excess of an exterior which
Friday, July 17, 2020
How to Manage Someone Who Thinks Everything is Urgent
How to Manage Someone Who Thinks Everything is Urgent It’s a nice Thursday morning, you have all your tasks for the day planned out. You are confident that by early afternoon, you will have completed all the tasks due this week and you can now start working on the client report that is due next week.All of a sudden, a chime goes off on your computer, notifying you of a new email.You check the email and the “NEED ASAP†on the email’s subject line makes your heart sink. Goodbye to the thought of getting started on the client report early.What makes your heart sink is not the fact that something is needed urgently.After all, you are a professional and you know that sometimes, things do come up that need to be dealt with urgently, and you have no problem helping in such situations.However, this is not one of those situations.You are sure of this because of where the email came from. You know the habits of the sender of this particular email.All his emails convey a sense of urgency, and you know your whole day will be spent trying to deal with matters that are not really as pressing as they are made to appear, even when you had more important tasks to deal with.We have all been in situations where someone thinks everything is urgent and should be given utmost priority.This person could be a boss or a colleague, it doesn’t really matter. The point is that they think that everything is an emergency that, if not handled right away, will result in an unimaginable crisis.They move too fast and have a deep need to get everything resolved. In the process, they make things pretty hard and stressful for others and often leave a mess behind them.What makes the situation even more difficult is that these kinds of people are usually very productive and are some of the most committed employees you will find, and will have probably even been praised for this behavior in the past.This makes it extremely difficult for them to see the impact of their behavior on their colleagues, teams, and the entire organization.THE DAN GERS OF CONSTANT URGENCYTreating everything like an emergency has a number of disadvantages. These include:Increased Risk of MistakesWhen someone comes to you out of the blue with a task that needs to be completed ‘yesterday’, they put you in a state of pressure.Not only do you need to get the work done in a rush, you will probably be feeling angry as well (because the urgent task disrupted your schedule). This puts you in a state of hyper-arousal.In this state, your ability to think clearly, thoroughly and imaginatively, as well as your attention to detail is compromised, which increases your chances of making mistakes.In a bid to get things done in a rush, people who treat everything as an urgency are also less likely to consider every bit of information and the impacts of their decisions, which increases the risk of making a mess of situations.The Fire Drill is Worse Than the FireIn most cases, the sudden and seemingly urgent tasks that are unexpectedly dropped on your l aps (also known as fire drills) are not really important or urgent.There wouldn’t really be any crisis if they waited for a bit. However, when these tasks get dropped on an employee’s laps, especially by someone who is superior to them, the employee has to drop everything they were doing and focus on the new issue that has been made to seem urgent.Surprisingly, many people do not think about the impact of the other tasks that get derailed as employees respond to the fire drill. In many cases, the impact of the dropped work is usually bigger than that of the seemingly urgent work.To make this easier to understand, let’s imagine a senior executive who calls a dozen mid-level managers to a meeting because of a minor issue.In trying to resolve this small issue, which could have been solved without calling for a meeting, several man hours as well as other opportunities end up being lost, whose cost is certainly more than the cost of the minor issue being treated as an emergency .In this case, the fire drill ends up being worse than the fire itself.Negatively Affects Morale and ProductivityWhen someone thinks everything is urgent and requires everyone to drop what they are doing to put out these fires, this negatively impacts the mood and morale of the rest of the team.Having to constantly deal with unexpected issues leads to an adrenaline rush and puts people in a state of stress.They start resenting the person who constantly comes up with fire drills. Their ability to properly plan their day is affected since they know interruptions might come in any minute.This ultimately affects the morale of the rest of the team and leads to decreased productivity.Important Tasks End Up Being IgnoredThere is an Aesop’s fable about a boy who cried wolf when there was none just to amuse himself.Later, when a wolf actually appeared, his cries for help went unheeded because the villagers thought he was trying to fool them, and some of his flock got eaten by the w olf. The same happens when someone constantly treats every little thing as urgent.When everything gets labelled urgent, people eventually conclude that nothing is urgent. When an urgent situation actually comes up, other employees will not treat it with the urgency it requires because they will take it as part of the usual attention gimmicks.Seeing some of the negative consequences of unaddressed urgency, it is important to take some steps to mitigate the damage of this urgency. Below are some tips on how to deal with someone who thinks everything is urgent.HELP THEM REALIZE THE IMPACT OF THEIR BEHAVIOR ON OTHERSPeople who think everything is urgent are often very self-centered. Their tendency to treat everything as urgent very often comes from a position of wanting to ensure that all their tasks are completed on time. In doing this, they put their tasks and needs over those of others.They want others to deal with issues and tasks that are important to them while forgetting that t hese people also have their own important tasks and issues that they need to deal with. This can lead to the typically urgent person being regarded by other employees as a selfish person and a poor team player, though they might not know it.The key, therefore, is to help the person realize how is behavior is affecting the rest of the team and to place more emphasis on collaboration and the success of the team rather than individual accomplishment.HELP THEM TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN THE IMPORTANT AND THE URGENTVery often, many of the tasks that are passed off as urgent are usually not important, yet important things get dropped to create time to focus on the urgent but unimportant. To avoid this, you should train the person to distinguish between what is important and what is urgent. A good way to do this is to introduce the person to the Eisenhower Matrix. Also referred to as an Urgent-Important Matrix, the Eisenhower Matrix is an important tool that helps people to prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. The Eisenhower Matrix is divided into four quadrants classify tasks as ‘urgent and important’, ‘important but not urgent’, ‘urgent but unimportant’, and ‘unimportant and not urgent’.In the matrix, urgent tasks are those that require immediate attention, those that need to be done as soon as possible.Important tasks, on the other hand, are tasks that contribute to the achievement of our long term goals, values and objectives. The Eisenhower Matrix looks as shown below. Encourage the person who tends to think everything is urgent to place all their tasks in the Eisenhower Matrix.URGENT / IMPORTANTNOT URGENT / IMPORTANTURGENT / NOT IMPORTANTNOT URGENT / NOT IMPORTANTIn the first quadrant, the person should place any tasks that are both urgent and important. They need to be done immediately and they contribute to the achievement of the organizations long term goals and objectives. Failure to deal with these tasks immediately can lead to significant negative impacts on the organization.The tasks in this quadrant should be given top priority, that is, they should be done as soon as possible. Examples of activities that might fall in this quadrant include things like looming deadlines, crises, certain emails (those that cannot wait), problems, last minute demands, projects from quadrant two that were postponed, and so on.The good thing is that, with some good planning, most of the activities that fall in this quadrant can be eliminated.In the second quadrant, the person should place any tasks that are important but don’t have to be done right away. They don’t have a pressing deadline and will not lead to any negative impacts on the organization if they wait for a little bit. If the tasks fall in this quadrant, the person should schedule a time to get them done instead of trying to pass them off as urgent.Examples of tasks and activities that might fall in this quadrant include long term planning, worki ng towards long term goals, building customer relationships, researching a new competitor, and so on.The third quadrant should contain tasks and activities that require immediate attention, but they do not have any significant contribution to the achievement of long term goals and objectives. In most cases, these tasks can be done by anyone, so the best course of action is to delegate them to someone who is not very busy at the moment.Very often, tasks that fall in this quadrant are usually interruptions from other people. Examples of tasks and activities that might fall in this quadrant include some phone calls, emails and meetings, minor demands from other people, and so on.The person should minimize the amount of time you spend on activities in this quadrant, and if possible, delegate, automate or decline them.Finally, any other activities that do not require immediate attention and that do not contribute to the achievement of long term goals and objectives in any way should be placed in the fourth quadrant. These activities are distractions and time wasters. The person should try as much as possible to avoid them or schedule them for later when they are not pressed for time.Examples of activities that should be placed in this quadrant include social media and web browsing, analysis paralysis, unnecessary coffee breaks, gossiping with coworkers, and any other activities that people use to procrastinate or waste time.By encouraging a person who things everything is urgent to use the Eisenhower Matrix, they will get better at prioritizing their tasks and are more likely to stop treating everything as urgent.COACH THEM TO SEPARATE WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE FROM THE SENSE OF URGENCYVery often, people and even entire businesses and organizations operate from a sense of false urgency. In other words, there is no actual reason behind the urgency. Instead, the sense of urgency is a manifestation of other underlying factors such as anxiety or a need to expr ess power.For instance, a supervisor might assign a task to an employee on Thursday and ask them to have it done by Friday, not because the supervisor needs the task done by Friday, but because giving such a deadline makes them feel that they have power over the employee.A few year back, I used to work for a company that sold stationery and other office supplies. The company had this policy where, if one of the regular customers called to say that they were out of printing paper, the paper had to be delivered to the customer within two hours.The problem was that this policy was very inefficient. An employee might have been on their desk busy working on something, only to be told to go deliver printing paper across town. Of course, this was taking a huge toll on people’s productivity.After hiring a new guy to head the customer service department, the new guy changed the game forever. The new guy told the customer service agents that when a customer called to say they were out of paper, the agents were to first find out how soon the customer needed the paper.By making this simple change, it was discovered that majority of customers were not really in a rush and could wait for the paper to be delivered on the regular delivery schedule.In other words, the company had placed on itself a false sense of urgency that led to inefficient use of employees’ time, low productivity and increased delivery costs.To avoid a situation like the one I shared above, you should coach your team to separate what needs to be done from the sense of urgency. Just because paper needed to be delivered didn’t mean it had to be delivered immediately.If something needs to be done, before placing an ‘URGENT’ stamp on it, encourage them to first find out how soon the task needs to be completed and the purpose for getting the task done. Once they start doing that, they will soon realize that current tasks do not have to be dropped for a certain, unexpected task, that there is n o harm in having the new task wait for a little bit.ENCOURAGE THEM TO CONSIDER THE CONSEQUENCES OF THEIR ACTIONSVery often, people who treat everything as urgent have good intentions, but like the popular saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Such people are often afraid of the consequences of inaction. This makes them focus solely on the pros of acting quickly with the aim of avoiding the negative consequences of inaction.Unfortunately, they don’t take the time to consider that acting too quickly might also lead to negative consequences.People who treat everything as urgent usually don’t have the luxury of time. Because of this, they make decisions in a hurry, without first considering all the information that might be required to make a good decision.Making decision in a rush also narrows a person’s options prematurely.Very often, the combination of these two factors (lack of consideration for all available information and prematurely narrowed optio ns) lead to poor decisions that have negative consequences.To avoid this, you should encourage a person who tends to consider everything as urgent to think through all the possible consequences of their actions. If possible, make them take responsibility for any impacts resulting from their rash decisions and actions.Doing so will help them understand the impact of moving too fast and encourage them to put more considerations into their decisions and actions.PAIR THEM WITH COLLEAGUES WHO PLAN FOR THE LONG TERMPeople who tend to think everything is urgent are usually more concerned with immediate outcomes while forgetting the long term impacts of their decisions and actions.For instance, a sales agent who thinks the company needs to get new clients urgently might give too many concessions in a bid to win a client.While this might lead to more sales, the value of each client might be quite low, and the multiple concessions might result in the company doing too much to keep the cli ent.A more long-term oriented sales agent, on the other hand, might draw out a negotiation with a client with the aim of getting the highest possible value from the client.Such a sales agent might close few but very lucrative clients.If you realize that one of your team members has the tendency to treat everything as urgent, it might be wise to pair them with a colleague who is more long-term oriented.By doing this, you can take advantage of their speed and intensity while at the same time teaching them the importance of being patient and having a more deliberate and thoughtful approach.TRAIN THEM TO MANAGE EXPECTATIONSVery often, a sense of urgency usually results from poorly managed expectations. For example, let’s say you, as a manager, go to one of the supervisors below you with an assignment that needs to be done. You ask them to have it ready in two days.Unfortunately, they are working on some other tasks that would make it really hard for them to have the new assignment r eady within two days.However, instead of letting you know that they are really swamped and cannot possibly deliver the work in two days, they accept the work and delegate it to someone else in their team (who also has other tasks) with a great sense of urgency.In this case, the sense of urgency is a direct result of poorly managed expectations. Most likely, you have no problem with waiting an extra day or two to get the work done, but the supervisor did not request for the extra time.To avoid this, you should train your team how to manage expectations. If they think there is not enough time for something, or if a new assignment keeps them from meeting another priority, they should make it known instead of accepting the new assignment and trying to turn into superman.ASK THEM TO PLAN BETTERA sense of urgency might also be the result of poor planning. For instance, the person might have known that some task needed to be done well in advance, yet they wait till the last minute to assign the task accompanied by a “NEEDED URGENTLY†message.For instance, I have a friend who works as a procurement officer. Her firm’s senior executives were relocating and needed the new offices fitted with some new furnishings.Everyone within the firm knew that the executives were relocating within a month’s time.My friend was therefore surprised when the guy handling the relocation came to her a week before the relocation date, asking her to urgently procure some furnishings.The guy knew that new furnishings would be required a full month before but still waited till the last week before requesting for them to be procured ASAP.In this case, the sense of urgency was a result of poor planning. To avoid such situations, you should encourage your staff to plan better to avoid inconveniencing others with urgent demands.WRAPPING UPWhile it is important for businesses and employees to move fast, having an employee who thinks everything is urgent can be a recipe for disaster. Not only does moving so fast on everything create room for costly mistakes, requiring others to treat everything like an emergency also affects the morale of the team and leads to more important work being dropped as other employees focus on solving these fires.If you have such an employee who tends to think everything is urgent, the tips shared in this article will make it easier for you to manage them and mitigate the negative impacts of their unaddressed urgency.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis Sandy Hook - 1382 Words
Sandy Hook is in a little town called Newtown in Connecticut little outside of New York City. On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza kills his own mother with four gunshots and moves his footsteps to Sandy Hook Elementary. It was 9:35 a.m. when class had begun and two students were on their way to turn in the attendance sheet to the office when they hear a gun. The two students hurried into the closest classroom and hid with the other students and teachers where they were safe. This school had approximately 700 students present that day when Adam Lanza forced himself into the school shooting down the locked doors. He later shoots twenty students and six teachers and slain them. Most students and teachers survived hiding in the gymnasium, closet, bathroom, and under their desks. When the principle and other staff members were holding a meeting they heard a loud pop and went out to look over what happened, but sadly only the vice principal returns safely back to the office. Meanwhile, the students that were listening to the announcement over the loud speakers in each classroom claims that they heard screaming and gunshots which made them shake in fear. After about 10 minutes Adam Lanza began shooting, the police arrived and Adam decided to commit suicide and shot himself in the head. The students who were shot and killed must have been frightened and scared when each of them saw the gun pointing towards their face. The parents of the students who were shot must hadShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of The Sandy Hook Shooting1328 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Media emphasized various topics such as mental health, violent video games, and gun control as possible catalysts. This essay will provide a critical analysis of what happened in the Sandy Hook Shooting, the media’s role in public opinion, and the arguments laid forth by claims-makers as associated with this symbolic crime. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Disputes between Texas Rangers and Mexicans - 624 Words
In the late 1800 there were many problems going on, on the border of Mexico and Texas between the Texas rangers and the Mexicans. The disputes between the Texas Rangers and Mexicans caused many people to die for no reason. The Texas rangers patrolled the border to stop from anybody going pass the border or anything that looked suspicious for them. The reason there were so many for why there were problems on the border but, the main reason was that no one wanted to stop the Texas rangers because everyone was scared of them. During the time of all the problems on the border many Mexicans were dying because of the Texas rangers because they killed on sight if you looked suspicious of any kind of criminal activity. The Texas rangers would do anything they wanted they would steel, and kill because no one could stop them because they were the high power. The Mexicans were treated horrible during that time they would kill them for no reason, treat them horrible, and when they would kill them they would hang them or any other crude way. The Texas rangers had a lot of hatred towards the tejanos so they went by the shoot first rule. The tejano kids had to go to separate schools because there was segregated schools. Whites had there on schools and tejanos went to a different school. (p80 Carnes). A very big person during this time was pancho villa a guerrilla leader that would attack Americans to create havoc for the Mexican president. Many Mexican ranchersShow MoreRelatedThe Treaty Of The Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty1009 Words  | 5 Pagestreaty (1848) led to an enormous increase of land for United States. Previous disputes that included the desire to annex Texas into Mexico was ultimately resolved through the passing of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty of 1848. 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Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto Free Essays
Brief analysis report of Rio Tinto Rio Tinto is a British multinational metals and mining corporation with headquarters in London and a management office in Melbourne, Australia. The corporation was founded in 1873 and it ranked at the number 263 in Global 500 of largest worldwide companies in 2008. (Wikipedia, 2012) Rio Tinto’s net earning has decreased in the year 2011 mainly because of the financial crisis and global economic uncertainty (Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto or any similar topic only for you Order Now Meanwhile, the leadership claimed that they believe the long-term outlook is strong. Figure 1: Key Financial Data of Rio Tinto (from 2010 and 2011) Year Item | 2010 / US$ million| 2011 / US$ million| Net profit before tax| 20,491| 13,214| Net profit after tax| 15,098| 6,765| Total comprehensive income| 16,492| 4,365| Sales| 55,171| 60,537| Total assets| 112,773| 119,545| Current assets| 21,459| 21,898| Current liabilities| 12,876| 14,966| Cash flow from operating activities| 23,530| 27,388| (Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011) According to figure 1 the net profit margin of Rio Tinto in the year 2010 fell from27. 4% to 11. 2% in the year 2011. (net profit margin is equal to net profit after tax divided by sales revenue) The profit rate to net worth of this company in the year is 5. %. (profit rate to net worth is net profit after tax divided by average total assets) The investors should use comprehensive income figure rather than net profit because comprehensive income includes all changes in equity during a period. (comprehensive income is equal to net profit plus other comprehensive income) The operating cash flow increased by $US3,85 8 million from $US23,530 million in the year 2010 to $US27,388 million in the year 2011 meanwhile, the sales raised by $US5,366 million from $US55,171 millionin the year 2010 to 60,537 million US$ in the year 2011. This matter of fact indicates Rio Tinto expended $US1,580 million on operating the company. The current assets increased smoothly from $US21,459 million in the year 2010 to $US21,898 million in the year 2011. At the same period the current liabilities raised up dramatically from $US12,876 million in the year 2010 to $US14,966 million in the year 2011. This data shows the company did not work well in this period. (Figure 1) Rio Tinto will cutting office jobs in Melbourne and Sydney in Australia and the board of the company will cut support and service costs by 10 per cent around the world (Greg, 2012). Because they said they need to build resilience and controlling costs during a difficult time, which includes product price decreases and Europe’s debt crisis (Greg, 2012). Greg’s report (2012) also showed that the Rio Tinto’s first half net profit dropped dramatically to $US4. 9 billion ($A4. 69 billion) from $US7. 78 billion ($A7. 44 billion) last year. Not only Rio Tinto’s earnings has dropped but BHP Billiton’s earnings are forecast to drop at the same time the world’s biggest iron ore miner Vale also posted lower than expected second quarter earnings at two year lows(Greg,2012). In the group statement of financial position the goodwill of Rio Tinto has dropped almost half of that in the year 2010 which is from $US15,316 million to $US8,187 million(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). This matter of fact indicates that the company Rio Tinto appears to be done not well. The inventories of this company increase by $US551 million from $US4,756 million in the year 2010 to $US5,307 million in the year 2011(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). The inventories rise up means the product of Rio Tinto cannot be sold mainly because the economy is uncertain and the demand of the ore is weak. The current and non-current liabilities all raise heavily and the net assets decreases from $US64,512 million in the year 2010 to $US59,208 million in the year 2011(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). The liabilities rise up means the Rio Tinto tried to borrow money to pass the difficult time which lasting time is still uncertain. The net profit of Rio Tinto and other mining company decrease mainly because the commodity prices drop seriously. Commodity prices are formed by the interaction of global economic growth and costs of expanding supply of ommodities (Garnaut,n. d). According to Gurnaut’s article ‘the contemporary China resources boom’ China have been the main reason of high energy and metals prices since the year 2003. The article also claimed that Chinese growth has been the consequence of high investment rates and rapid increases in fringe population and the export share of production. The author believed that developing countries like China and India wil l still keep the commodity prices of ore in high level. In brief, although the financial and operating situation of the Rio Tinto is not well, the future of Rio Tinto will still be great because the demand of developing will be strong. Hence, it will be a good choice to invest Rio Tinto. Reference list Garnaut, R 2012, ‘The contemporary China resources boom’, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 222–243 Rio Tinto Ltd, 2011, Annual Report viewed 5 August 2012 http://www. riotinto. com/annualreport2011/pdf/rio_tinto_2011_annual_report. pdf Wikipedia2012, Rio Tinto Group, viewed 26 October 2012, http://de. wikipedia. org/wiki/Rio_Tinto_Group How to cite Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto, Essay examples
Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto Free Essays
Brief analysis report of Rio Tinto Rio Tinto is a British multinational metals and mining corporation with headquarters in London and a management office in Melbourne, Australia. The corporation was founded in 1873 and it ranked at the number 263 in Global 500 of largest worldwide companies in 2008. (Wikipedia, 2012) Rio Tinto’s net earning has decreased in the year 2011 mainly because of the financial crisis and global economic uncertainty (Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto or any similar topic only for you Order Now Meanwhile, the leadership claimed that they believe the long-term outlook is strong. Figure 1: Key Financial Data of Rio Tinto (from 2010 and 2011) Year Item | 2010 / US$ million| 2011 / US$ million| Net profit before tax| 20,491| 13,214| Net profit after tax| 15,098| 6,765| Total comprehensive income| 16,492| 4,365| Sales| 55,171| 60,537| Total assets| 112,773| 119,545| Current assets| 21,459| 21,898| Current liabilities| 12,876| 14,966| Cash flow from operating activities| 23,530| 27,388| (Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011) According to figure 1 the net profit margin of Rio Tinto in the year 2010 fell from27. 4% to 11. 2% in the year 2011. (net profit margin is equal to net profit after tax divided by sales revenue) The profit rate to net worth of this company in the year is 5. %. (profit rate to net worth is net profit after tax divided by average total assets) The investors should use comprehensive income figure rather than net profit because comprehensive income includes all changes in equity during a period. (comprehensive income is equal to net profit plus other comprehensive income) The operating cash flow increased by $US3,85 8 million from $US23,530 million in the year 2010 to $US27,388 million in the year 2011 meanwhile, the sales raised by $US5,366 million from $US55,171 millionin the year 2010 to 60,537 million US$ in the year 2011. This matter of fact indicates Rio Tinto expended $US1,580 million on operating the company. The current assets increased smoothly from $US21,459 million in the year 2010 to $US21,898 million in the year 2011. At the same period the current liabilities raised up dramatically from $US12,876 million in the year 2010 to $US14,966 million in the year 2011. This data shows the company did not work well in this period. (Figure 1) Rio Tinto will cutting office jobs in Melbourne and Sydney in Australia and the board of the company will cut support and service costs by 10 per cent around the world (Greg, 2012). Because they said they need to build resilience and controlling costs during a difficult time, which includes product price decreases and Europe’s debt crisis (Greg, 2012). Greg’s report (2012) also showed that the Rio Tinto’s first half net profit dropped dramatically to $US4. 9 billion ($A4. 69 billion) from $US7. 78 billion ($A7. 44 billion) last year. Not only Rio Tinto’s earnings has dropped but BHP Billiton’s earnings are forecast to drop at the same time the world’s biggest iron ore miner Vale also posted lower than expected second quarter earnings at two year lows(Greg,2012). In the group statement of financial position the goodwill of Rio Tinto has dropped almost half of that in the year 2010 which is from $US15,316 million to $US8,187 million(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). This matter of fact indicates that the company Rio Tinto appears to be done not well. The inventories of this company increase by $US551 million from $US4,756 million in the year 2010 to $US5,307 million in the year 2011(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). The inventories rise up means the product of Rio Tinto cannot be sold mainly because the economy is uncertain and the demand of the ore is weak. The current and non-current liabilities all raise heavily and the net assets decreases from $US64,512 million in the year 2010 to $US59,208 million in the year 2011(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). The liabilities rise up means the Rio Tinto tried to borrow money to pass the difficult time which lasting time is still uncertain. The net profit of Rio Tinto and other mining company decrease mainly because the commodity prices drop seriously. Commodity prices are formed by the interaction of global economic growth and costs of expanding supply of ommodities (Garnaut,n. d). According to Gurnaut’s article ‘the contemporary China resources boom’ China have been the main reason of high energy and metals prices since the year 2003. The article also claimed that Chinese growth has been the consequence of high investment rates and rapid increases in fringe population and the export share of production. The author believed that developing countries like China and India wil l still keep the commodity prices of ore in high level. In brief, although the financial and operating situation of the Rio Tinto is not well, the future of Rio Tinto will still be great because the demand of developing will be strong. Hence, it will be a good choice to invest Rio Tinto. Reference list Garnaut, R 2012, ‘The contemporary China resources boom’, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 222–243 Rio Tinto Ltd, 2011, Annual Report viewed 5 August 2012 http://www. riotinto. com/annualreport2011/pdf/rio_tinto_2011_annual_report. pdf Wikipedia2012, Rio Tinto Group, viewed 26 October 2012, http://de. wikipedia. org/wiki/Rio_Tinto_Group How to cite Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto, Essay examples
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