Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Holocaust A Big Mistake - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1660 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/04/26 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Holocaust Essay Did you like this example? When the Nazi party took over Germany, they instituted rules and laws that affected Jews and other minorities differently than the primarily Caucasian majority. They caused extreme hardships for everyone during this time. These institutions, along with the inherent beliefs of the Nazi party, are what lead to what we now know as the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a period of time when the Nazi party had taken over Germany. They believed that certain people were dangerous and needed to be eliminated. These people that were so dangerous were innocent people, including Gypsies, Poles, Russians, but mostly Jews. In Sandra S. Williams study, The Impact of the Holocaust on Survivors and Their Children, it explains in detail about life before, during and after the Holocaust. Before the Nazi party had taken control, Germany and its citizens never saw themselves as divided. In Germany, nearly two-thirds of the 500,000 Jews were engaged in trade and commerce, one quarter worked in the industry, and about one-eighth were in public service and the professions working in mainly law and medicine, helping the country. (Sandra S. Williams) Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Holocaust: A Big Mistake" essay for you Create order Adolf Hitler had a huge influence on Germany and led the Holocaust. Hitler rose to power when he was appointed the chancellor, is the head of the German government, in January 1933. Due to the economic depression that went down beforehand, when the Nazi party came into play, all of Germany thought to have found a savior. Hitler led Germany with his powerful inspiring speeches, speaking towards a country desperate for change, and promising a new fulfilling life to the people of Germany. In Hitlers Rise and Fall Timeline, OpenLearn, it goes into detail about all things Hitler did to help Germany politically. Hitler had volunteered his services to help his country. He attended meetings to get people out of poverty. He became a well-known and highly respected leader. Hitler was a good leader until he began to abuse power. Due to the Nazi partys discriminating beliefs, Hitler divided the majority of the country into forced organizations. Terror began to spread throughout the country. Tra de Unions were abolished and employees were forced to resign and join the Nazi party. Citizens lost their freedom. Their privacy was no longer private, having officials listen in on phone calls, read mail, and even search houses without a warrant (the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Hitler Comes to Power), The Nazi party set up a system to keep political opponents out of the Nazi state, mainly imprisoning Communists and Socialists. However, as World War II began, the system expanded fast. The system quickly becomes more violent. They imprisoned anyone who resisted the domination and sent them to concentration camps for hard labor and was even murdered. They captured everyone they thought to be racially inferior or politically unacceptable. Within three years the number of prisoners quadrupled, from about 25,000 before the war to about 100,000 in March 1942 (United States Holocaust Memorial Museum). When the Nazis captured the Jews, they put them into concentration camps where the Jews went through hardships, such as hard labor, starvation, and brutal deaths. Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp. It was actually three camps built into one. All three different camps holding a different purpose for Auschwitz. According to the video, Auschwitz, from History.com Staff, the concentration camps were so awful and inhuman. There were bodies piled up in stacks. Many of the captive citizens became very ill with Typhus and Malnutrition. One was a prison camp, another was an extermination camp, and the last one was a slave-labor camp. The Nazis had a very unusual way of getting rid of the prisoners. One way was gas chambers, where they would gather them into a room and fill it with a poisonous gas killing them all. Another more cruel way of murdering the prisoners was using them as target practice in an open field. These people already unhealthy, starving and exhausted-would be sent out into an open field, while the guards shot them down. According to Britannica Encyclopedia, 1.1 to 1.5 million people died at Auschwitz; with 90 percent of them being Jews. Among these numbers were 19,000 Roma, who were held at the camp until they were gassed. The Roma was the only other group gassed in family units along with Jews. Poles consisted of the largest victim group in Auschwitz, around 83,000 were killed. Not only was the Nazi party using cruel and inhumane ways to torture and kill their captive citizens they conducted inhumane experiments such as those done by a famous scientist by the name of Josef Mengele, known for his fascination of twins, but he was also interested in the using them for medical research. He joined the Nazi party, getting his medical degree. Here he studied the prisoners for medical purposes. However, with the thousands of people coming into Auschwitz at a time, Josef set out to find twins throughout the camp to experiment with. Now that he was testing prisoners no one cared about being humane. No one saw him as using humans. In BBC News it tells many different stories of which twins had gone through due to experiments that were done by Josef himself. Twins were taken right out of their hometown and taken to camps to be studied. One set of twins who were identical but had different colored eyes were very special to Josef. However, when almost all tested twins die d, either as a result of the experimentations or were murdered due to the process, but he would not get into trouble with the law. World War II began September 1939. While the Americans, debating on whether to stay neutral during the war, eventually got sucked in when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The United States declaring war on Japan, lead to Germany starting the war with the United States. Thus leading to the United States joining the Allies to fight against the Axis powers. Although the United States did not join the war to rescue the captured citizens, but instead to protect democracy. In the end, the Allies did rescue tens of thousands of the captured minorities. The United States, along with the other Allies defeated Nazi Germany along with the other Axis powers, ending the Holocaust. Afterward, the prisoners were freed, Hitler committed suicide to avoid capture, and the Nazi party was gone. (The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, The United States and The Holocaust.) Even after the Holocaust ended the memories, camps, artifacts, and people are still here today. Millions of minorities and officials died during this time period but millions survived. The ones that had gone through the camps and the hiding still have the scars and memories of what they had to go through long ago. We have museums that you can go to today to visit and look at artifacts that had happened during the time. Anne Frank is now known today as a well-known Jewish teenager that hid in the attic of a store with her family to avoid capture of the Nazi party. Otto, Annes father, began to make plans for him and his family to avoid capture until the War was over. On 6 July 1942, the Frank family went into hiding in the attic of Ottos office building. Four other people joined them after a few months of hiding. Only a few of Ottos staff knew about the hiding place. These four employees helped them stay hidden, and made sure they had everything in order to survive. (The Holocaust Expl ained) Anne Frank is famous for keeping her own diary during her time in hiding. We know the challenges they faced and the way they lived throughout hiding. Her diary tells about personal experiences along with serious events that had happened. Anne writes until her capture at age 15 when she was taken to a camp along with her family. She had died in the camp within a day of her sister Margots death. In Anne Frank, Biography, it says The Secret Annex: Diary Letters from June 14, 1942, to August 1, 1944, was a selection of passages from Anne Franks diary published on June 25, 1947, by Anne Franks father. Otto published the diary for other to know what the victims had to endure for such a long time, but more importantly, he did it for Anne. He wanted Anne to be proud and wanted her to be known. Throughout this diary, and its pages of despair, it is a story that shows so many other emotions, Anne had endured. It shows her hope of surviving, faith, and the love of what she did have and her family. Anne Frank tells stories in such detail and imagination to get the real story. It tells from family holidays to horrid tragedies that had happened to her that will still today bring us to tears. The whole world learned from the mistakes that happened during the Holocaust. We have laws that prevent human testing, we allow people to choose and practice their own religion. The United States getting involved to stop the Nazi party from further domination was the right move for the whole world. This showed us what the right thing was in a very horrid situation. What we learned from the Holocaust was to never let something like this happen again. Throughout history,l we always tell people to remember what happens and to not let some history repeat. During 9/11 we say never forget we learned the phrase, Remember the Alamo! We do not want to go through another Holocaust ever again. Rockie Blunt, an infantryman, US army tells us that the prisoners told the soldiers to promise to never let the world forget what happens here. Rockie states Having seen a concentration camp it had a bigger effect on my life than anything else Ive ever seen or fought or done. in the Auschwitz video on His tory.com. The fact that Rockie had seen so much already being in the army, but nothing has even compared to what he saw in concentration camps.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Class Vs Race Essay - 3137 Words
When asking the question, â€Å"Race versus Social class: Which really matters?†there are several important concepts that must first be addressed in order to approach this very complex query sufficiently. First, what do the terms â€Å"social class†and â€Å"race†signify? Also, in determining which really matters, the context of this question is crucial, in other words, to WHO or to WHAT or WHEN or WHERE or HOW each of these terms matters. All of these more specific questions are directly relevant to the answer and each may produce a contextually different explanation. So let’s define the terms we are evaluating and comparing and at the same time attempt to identify which really matters and in what context. What is social class? Generally,†¦show more content†¦An example of this is the period in United States history known as the Great Depression. Mass dire economic circumstances proved to be a class equalizer when the wealthiest of families who were considered to be in the upper tiers of the class hierarchy experienced dramatic changes to their lifestyle which necessitated struggling alongside those â€Å"lower class†groups who had previously and would otherwise have been beneath them. Another fundamental aspect of â€Å"class†is that it is a universal phenomenon and thereby manifests itself all over the world. As such, the tendency to subject members of society to a certain class status or label within a social system is not a concept that is specific to the United States. An illustration of this is Great Britain’s famous class system which has traditionally been divided into three classes. These are: the upper class/ruling elite who are aligned to the monarchy; the middle class who are people born into wealth but not on the same class level as those with â€Å"good breeding;†and, the working class who provide labor but did not own any many of production. These divisions show that in the United Kingdom, class is only partially related to money and greatly owing to family ancestry (Liddell, 2013). Even more perplexing than the initial concept of class are the complexities by which class is determined. Class can be measured both subjectively an objectively.Show MoreRelated Race vs. Social Class Essay847 Words  | 4 PagesRace vs. Social Class THESIS: Race differences in identity and social position were, and are, more important than class differences in American society. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Dear friend †a letter about Animal Farm Free Essays
Dear friend! We’ve just read â€Å"Animal Farm†in class. â€Å"Animal farm†, or â€Å"Animal Farm: A Fairy Story†as the original title was, was a little manuscript which was published right after the Second World War by George Orwell, ever heard of him? It was a book that was originally placed in the shelves of children’s books, and was read as a fairytale (as the previous title presumed you would do). But behind the naive and sort of innocent surface, there was a hidden message†¦ between the lines there laid a story about political reforms and great historical events. We will write a custom essay sample on Dear friend – a letter about Animal Farm or any similar topic only for you Order Now A story about revolution, power and animalism! It’s really good! â€Å"Animal Farm†is a short novel based on the hard life of the animals, which live somewhere in England on a farm called â€Å"Manor Farm†. After the oldest pig on the farm realizes he is going to die soon, he gathers all the animals on the farm in the barn to tell about his dreams for the future: A revolutionary dream, where animals are the one in command, not the humans. The story that follows tells us about how the animals are getting their much wanted power, and how they use it, and don’t use it. When I read â€Å"Animal Farm†, I clearly saw that the animals in the story were actually used to illustrate real human beings from historical revolutions. Just as a puppet show for children. The Russian Revolution, which is the most obvious revolution you would compare the content in the book with, is rewritten in a humorous way, excellent done by the author. With this in mind, it is therefore easy to see that for instance the group of sheep at the farm are the masses, the followers, the kinds that â€Å"don’t give a damn†about what’s going on. That’s how the masses in the real life revolution were described as well. You may then see what I realized after reading this easy-read novel: You must always ask questions. Don’t take things for granted, don’t do things just because you’re told so, and most important: Don’t be a sheep! Just instead of telling the heavy story like in a history book, he puts his own individual twist on it. And it sells! George Orwell tells a story about the past (and present) to inform the public. He expresses his opinions by letting the readers have a look at the puppet show of the revolutions, a satiric story which warn us against communism and dictatorship. I loved â€Å"Animal Farm†because I find it funny, but at the same time educational and interesting. It made me think, and wary of the government! I think this is a book with meaning and moral lessons for everyone; it’s suitable for all age, especially pupils and students, so it’s perfect for you! I would say this is a unique fable, with a classic theme, and with a brilliant ending (which I won’t reveal to you). It’s sort of â€Å"mind-blowing†! I hope by telling you this that you will experience the same thing! Order it now! It can never be read too often! 🙂 Best regards, Tony. How to cite Dear friend – a letter about Animal Farm, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Research in Business Social Advertising Techniques
Question: Describe about the Research in Business for Social Advertising Techniques. Answer: Section I Introduction Social advertising is a technique used by the marketers to integrate the marketing concepts to benefit the target consumers and audience for the benefit of social goods that they consume. Social marketing is a form of promoting and advertising the products to the target consumers. The traditional methods of marketing were advertisements and word of mouth or direct selling. With the rise in competition and new businesses, emerging the methods of marketing has changed. Technological advancement and emergence of internet and social media has changed the method of marketing and promotion. Customers rely and consume the goods that are presented in social medium sites such as LinkedIn and twitter (Castronovo and Huang 2012). The purpose of the assignment is to compare social media marketing and traditional methods of marketing and conclude which is better. The purpose of the assignment is to conduct a research on social marketing such as social network and why social media marketing is fur ther persuasive than customary methods of marketing. The most common used traditional methods of marketing that influenced the consumer behavior were word of mouth. The information on the products was acquired from peers and relatives that greatly influenced the purchase decisions of buyers. With the advancement in technology and increase in use of social media, the traditional method of work of mouth was affected by social marketing (Flew 2015). Problem statement Branding is a technique of creating a unique brand image and name in the market to attract loyal customers and achieve competitive advantage. Various factors and methods affect the buying behavior and decision of consumers. The most common factor that influences the buying behavior of consumers is the advertisement and promotion of products. The traditional method of promotion that is word of mouth has been affected by social media marketing. Many social network sites have emerged that used to focus more on social life and lifestyle previously. However, the content of social media sites are changing that focuses and emphasizing the need of people. Shopping has become more easier with the appearance of social medium marketing. The content of social media site ranges from clothing and lifestyle to food and beverages. Acquiring anything at any time and place has become easier with the use of social media marketing. Brand image and name plays a great role in influencing the buying decisi ons of purchasers (Coulter and Roggeveen 2012). Social media marketing helps in creating a unique brand image by broadcasting attractive advertisements in social media sites that will help in increasing consumer awareness. The research aims to study the reasons for success of social media marketing in crafting consumer behavior and the purchase decision. Research objectives and questions The aim of the research is to find out the effect of social media marketing on the purchase decision of consumers. It also aims at finding that whether social media marketing is persuasive than traditional word of mouth or not. The paper aims at finding the reasons for media and papers being more effective way of promotion than word of mouth. The research is more of informative than quantitative. Research objectives The objectives of the research are as follows: To understand the different techniques of promotion. To find the effects of social media marking on the purchasing decision of consumers. To find whether social media networks is persuasive or traditional word of mouth. To find out the reasons for social media being more effective than traditional word of mouth for influencing the purchase decision of consumers. To find out the root cause for the success of social media in influencing the purchasing decision of consumers. Research questions The questions of the research are as follows: What are the different techniques of promotions? What is the effect of social media marking on the purchasing decision of consumers? Are social media networks more influential than customary word of mouth? What are the reasons for social media being more effectual than conventional word of mouth for influencing the purchase decision of consumers? What is the root causes for the success of social media in influencing the purchasing decision of consumers? What collision does social media marketing have on consumers? Justification of the project The increase in social media sites has greatly influenced the purchase decision of consumers and has greatly affected the traditional word of mouth. Investigation of study is important as to understand which are more influencing social media networks or the traditional word of mouth. Word of mouth was the most common used tools by the consumers to make the purchase decisions. However, with the advancement in technology and increase in number of social media networking sites traditional methods of word of mouth has been greatly affected. Hence, it has become essential to understand how social media has influenced the purchasing decisions of consumers and the reason for the traditional method of word of mouth to fade away. The research indicates the main reason for new companies such as Apple and Zara to become successful is due to its promotion technique that attracts consumers that are loyal in nature (Gensler et al. 2013). The objectives of the research study will help in addressing and presenting the reasonable solution of the problems. Vast amount of people in todays world spend maximum time in surfing internet. Hence, posting advertisements in these sires is likely to influence consumers than the traditional word of mouth. The word of mouth technique is fading away due to differences in the lifestyle and choice of people. The objective of the research is to find whether social media is more influential or the word of mouth that will help in addressing the problems. Expected research outcome The outcomes of this learn will provide an analytical framework for investigating the effect of social media networks on the purchasing decisions of consumers. It is expected that traditional word of mouth has taken over social media marketing as a way of promotion. Consumers are greatly influenced by the advertisements on social media than is affected by the purchase decisions of others. People today spend maximum time in social media sites and hence advertisements of these sites are likely to affect the purchasing decisions of consumers. It is expected that the main reason for the use of social media sites for purchasing products be due to the convenience and the discounts that the company provides to customers (Risselada et al. 2014). The research will benefit the organizations understand the importance of branding and its effect in consumers. It will also help them understand the how important social media has become to create a unique brand image and the ways organizations can o ptimally utilise social media networks. Accessing information about the products has become easier due to social media networks (Goh et al. 2013). Section II Conceptual framework Figure: Conceptual framework (Source: created by author) Research hypothesis The research hypothesis is proposed as follows that is based on problem statement and research objectives: H (0) null hypothesis: Social media networks is persuasive than traditional word of mouth. H (1) Alternate hypothesis: traditional word of mouth is more persuasive than social media marketing. Methodology Literature review The word of mouth was the most influential and most used source of information by the consumers for making a purchase decision in the traditional years. In the initial years word of mouth was considered as the most effective way of promotion. Word of mouth did not require any advertisement and promotion and the information was just transferred by the peer prospects. The consumers could easily trust the product and purchase it (King et al. 2014). Word of mouth was said to be more persuasive in decision making due to its credibility and reliability by consumers. With the advent of internet the traditional word of mouth was affected by social media marketing. The number of social media and networking sites increased. People now a days spend maximum time in surfing internet and social media sites such as facebook, twitter and others (Lee et al. 2012). Hence, any advertisement in these sites is most likely to affect the purchasing decision of consumers. Social media sites provide a larger variety of products and give consumer a larger choice of products due to which they rely on social media sites more. Moreover, the advertisements on social media sites are so attractive that anyone will be influenced to purchase the particular products (Libai et al. 2013). The purchasing decision of consumer is dependent on various factors such as trust, credibility, reliability and awareness. Since it is easy to get all the information of the product on internet easily consumers awareness increases that in turn increases the reliability. Due to differences in the choices and lifestyle of consumers, the consumers will opt for Television, internet and newspaper for accessing the information of the product (Okazaki and Taylor 2013). Social media has become a wide place by marketers for the promotion of products and services. The reason for this is that social media marketing has become more convenient and time saving. There is no need to print out bi llboards and hoardings. The organizations juts need to post an advertisement on social media sites that stars the favorite actors to promote its products (Pfeffer et al. 2014). It is also cost effective. Social media marketing is influential as it has capability of targeting the wider range of customers and market as compared to the traditional word of mouth method. Data series and surveys/Questionnaires (Data collection method) Various methods are taken to collect the appropriate information. The objective of the research is to find out the effect of social media marketing on customers and its buying behavior. The research philosophy for conducting the research is followed based on the interpretive view in which descriptively every question is answered, and the theory is interpreted based on researcher's interest in the study. It is associated with the philosophical point of idealism in which many effects and methods can be applied to the issue to reflect varied results (Goldkuhl 2012). The interpretive follows the understanding of weak notion; it establishes the relationship between time and context and outlines the problems and solutions to the study. Data is collected using various blogs, articles and books on social media marketing. The questionnaire is prepared that is published online for the survey. Hence, the researcher uses secondary data for its collection and research (Gray 2013). The research approach is based on the idea to identify the questions, problems and give probable solutions for adequate research to the study. In this approach, the relationships are made and then they are tested for the outlined purpose of understanding the certain additional meaning to the research. In this study, statistical tool namely SPSS is used with the questionnaire to derive to a certain conclusion. The quantitative approach is assumed to be more time consuming and cost effective against the researcher's particular situations than an approach that is qualitative in nature (Pickard 2012). Data analysis The next step after collection of data is the analysis of data using various statistical tools that describes the effect of social media marketing on consumers and the difference between social media marketing and traditional methods of promotion. After forming the questions and hypothesis it is essential to test the hypothesis using different tools and methods. For the discussion part qualitative method will be used and the data will be collected from blogs, articles and books. For the quantitative part, the data will be collected from an online survey by preparing a questionnaire and surveying the customers (Time 2012). The data will be tested in an SPSS tool. The statistical tools SPSS calculated the descriptive statistics, regression of the independent variables on the dependent variables. The residuals calculated were plotted on different pie charts, histograms, and bar graphs. . The aim of analysing the data in SPSS tool is to know whether social media marketing and networking is more persuasive than the traditional method of word of mouth (Rezaeian 2014). Research paradigm The researcher has used both the qualitative and quantitative methods to conduct the research. It is more of an informative research that analyzes and specifies the discussions and theories. The qualitative data is used to support the quantitative data of the research. The views of the customers would be depicted using the quantitative and qualitative samples that would be collected for this research. A questionnaire is prepared for the quantitative survey while blogs and articles on social media marketing are referred for the qualitative survey. The buying behavior of the customers and the selling of the products by the company would be understood from the quantitative and qualitative research (Sarantakos 2012). Category of research: (Quantitative and qualitative research) The objective of the research is to find out the effect of social media marketing on customers and its buying behavior. It analyzes and compares the two methods of promotion and analyzes that whether social media marketing is persuasive or the traditional method of word of mouth. The qualitative research is conducted by referring to books, articles and blogs. Since social media marketing is a current issue, many experts have various comments on the topic that will be referred from blogs and articles (Yilmaz 2013). In order to support the qualitative research quantitative research is conducted by preparing a questionnaire that is published online. Since the objective is to evaluate the effect of social media marketing on consumers a qualitative research is conducted that is based on marketing and media theories. For finding the customer experience, the researcher conducts an online survey. Hence, both the qualitative and quantitative methods are used for the research and study (Saunde rs and Thornhill 2014). Ethical consideration It is essential for the researcher to collect the data from the relevant sources. The data collected should be appropriate, valid and reliable. It should also be biased in nature. It is essential for the author to follow ethical rules and principles of research and take special care of not hurting anyones sentiments during the research. The work of the researcher should not be copied and plagiarized. Special permissions should be taken from the organizations and customers that are surveyed for the research purpose. . The researcher should abide by the rules and regulations of the company while collecting the data and using it for the research. The researcher should keep the details of the company confidential, if the company had asked them to do so. The researcher must not force the company to provide him with the data of the company. If children are involved in survey then special permissions are to be taken from parents. Section III Organization of the study Chapter one will be the Research Proposal as outlined in this assignment. It will analyse the topic for the research. Chapter one discusses the aims and objectives of the research and the research questions. It also mentions the expected research outcome and justification for the study. The main aim of chapter one is to discuss and emphasis on the topic and the reason for studying the topic. In this case chapter one addresses the topic that social media marketing is more persuasive or the traditional method of word of mouth. Based on the problem statement research questions and aims are formed. Chapter two emphasises on the social media marketing strategy in depth and how it has affected the decision of consumers. It discusses the reasons for traditional word of mouth fading away and how social media marketing is influencing the consumers purchase decision. It also analyses the reasons for increase in usage of social media for promotion of commodities and different techniques of promotion, both traditional and social media. Chapter two will include the methodology, data series, data collection methods, questionnaires and surveys and observing key strategies of social media marketing. It will report the findings and analysis of the proposed research. Chapter three will summarise the important findings and discuss the implication of social media marketing on the purchase decision of consumers. It will also conclude as to whether social media marketing is more influential or the traditional method of word of mouth. Chapter three proposes the budget of the research and its allocation for conducting the study and research. It also mentions the time taken for the research and study by specifying and dividing it into different heads. The last part of the proposal is the conclusion where the researcher points out his view on the research. Gantt chart Task name Start day End day Duration Days Project proposal 1/01/2016 15/01/2016 15 Literature review 16/01/2016 28/02/2016 40 Data collection 1/03/2016 12/03/2016 12 Data analysis 13/03/2016 20/03/2016 7 Final Report Submission 25/03/2016 25/04/2016 30 Figure: Gantt chart (Source: created by author) Project budget and budget justification The budget of the proposed research is $5000 that is required to complete the project in the given period. The maximum part of the budget is allocated to data collection due to the cost of travelling, printing, mailing and posting the data. This will cost around $2500. Rest $2500 is allocated to literature review, tables, and data analysis part. Purpose Estimated amount to be spent Literature review $1000 Data collection $2500 Data analysis $1500 Total budget estimated $5000 Table: Budget summary (Source: created by author) Conclusion and recommendation The recommendations on outcome state that the study can be analyzed for a further study by differentiating all factors and an extensive study can be based on using all the main and the silent elements individually. Also, if qualitative research is incorporated into the study, the research philosophy would have been more realistic and interpretive and would have added the theoretical background to the subject. Hence, this study is more on a generalized basis. 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