Thursday, May 21, 2020
Analysis Sandy Hook - 1382 Words
Sandy Hook is in a little town called Newtown in Connecticut little outside of New York City. On December 14, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanza kills his own mother with four gunshots and moves his footsteps to Sandy Hook Elementary. It was 9:35 a.m. when class had begun and two students were on their way to turn in the attendance sheet to the office when they hear a gun. The two students hurried into the closest classroom and hid with the other students and teachers where they were safe. This school had approximately 700 students present that day when Adam Lanza forced himself into the school shooting down the locked doors. He later shoots twenty students and six teachers and slain them. Most students and teachers survived hiding in the gymnasium, closet, bathroom, and under their desks. When the principle and other staff members were holding a meeting they heard a loud pop and went out to look over what happened, but sadly only the vice principal returns safely back to the office. Meanwhile, the students that were listening to the announcement over the loud speakers in each classroom claims that they heard screaming and gunshots which made them shake in fear. After about 10 minutes Adam Lanza began shooting, the police arrived and Adam decided to commit suicide and shot himself in the head. The students who were shot and killed must have been frightened and scared when each of them saw the gun pointing towards their face. The parents of the students who were shot must hadShow MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Of The Sandy Hook Shooting1328 Words  | 6 Pagesthe Media emphasized various topics such as mental health, violent video games, and gun control as possible catalysts. This essay will provide a critical analysis of what happened in the Sandy Hook Shooting, the media’s role in public opinion, and the arguments laid forth by claims-makers as associated with this symbolic crime. The Sandy Hook School shooting took place in Newtown, Connecticut, an upper-middle-class township in Fairfield County. Prior to the mass shooting, violent crime had beenRead MoreCritical Analysis Of The Sandy Hook School Shooting1520 Words  | 7 PagesOn the morning of December 14, 2012, a lone shooter entered Sandy Hook elementary school and killed 26 people. This heinous crime is America’s deadliest mass shooting at a grade school and the fourth-deadliest mass shooting by a single person. Throughout the country, American citizens were mournful and regretful as media outlets released the details of what transpired. Police investigators, media reporters, and American citizens were left wondering how could this have happened and how could we haveRead MorePrecognitive Police, By Henrick Karoliszyn761 Words  | 4 PagesPrecognitive Police, by Henrick Karoliszyn, addresses what police are doing about violence in cities across the country. 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This deadly and shattering event inspired the organization, MomsRead MoreA Brief Note On The Gun Control Act Of 1968964 Words  | 4 Pagesgun violence specifically in the United States. One famous recent mass shooting known as The Sandy Hook shooting was tragic leading to the death of 20 children, but the true tragedy is that such a shooting is only the tip of the iceberg of our country’s gun problem (Sager).When we average this death toll in relation to the Sandy Hook shooting, it is visible that a tragedy related in size to the Sandy Hook mass shooting happens every single day. Due to the Second amendment, these tragedies are hardRead MoreA Brief Note On Shootings Shooting And The 2012 Aurora Shooting973 Words  | 4 Pagesto my findings and analysis, there are two main ways the issue of gun controlled is framed. 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Also by viewing wider society and the practice of segregating the blacks working class Americans from the whites; seemly done so, to reduce the friction between the two but instead exacerbating the tension between the two races. Also, analysis of sexuality and its ability to warp even the simplest mind to great acts of violence will be viewed and deconstructed to provide an answer on the potrayal of Wrights characters. Lastly, the idea of intelligence and rationality as a concept withRead MoreGun Firearms Should Be Handled1359 Words  | 6 Pagesone-shot muskets becoming automatic assault rifles? The news today is riddled with debates of gun control due to many accounts of our nation’s troubled citizens, to the unaware youth, being able to easily obtain lethal firearms. From the tragedy of Sandy Hook and Virginia Tech to the death of a four year-old by his own mother’s gun, brings to attention to the question of how these lethal firearms should be handled. Opinions vary from both extremes of the spectrum but as the controversial topic continues
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Disputes between Texas Rangers and Mexicans - 624 Words
In the late 1800 there were many problems going on, on the border of Mexico and Texas between the Texas rangers and the Mexicans. The disputes between the Texas Rangers and Mexicans caused many people to die for no reason. The Texas rangers patrolled the border to stop from anybody going pass the border or anything that looked suspicious for them. The reason there were so many for why there were problems on the border but, the main reason was that no one wanted to stop the Texas rangers because everyone was scared of them. During the time of all the problems on the border many Mexicans were dying because of the Texas rangers because they killed on sight if you looked suspicious of any kind of criminal activity. The Texas rangers would do anything they wanted they would steel, and kill because no one could stop them because they were the high power. The Mexicans were treated horrible during that time they would kill them for no reason, treat them horrible, and when they would kill them they would hang them or any other crude way. The Texas rangers had a lot of hatred towards the tejanos so they went by the shoot first rule. The tejano kids had to go to separate schools because there was segregated schools. Whites had there on schools and tejanos went to a different school. (p80 Carnes). A very big person during this time was pancho villa a guerrilla leader that would attack Americans to create havoc for the Mexican president. Many Mexican ranchersShow MoreRelatedThe Treaty Of The Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty1009 Words  | 5 Pagestreaty (1848) led to an enormous increase of land for United States. Previous disputes that included the desire to annex Texas into Mexico was ultimately resolved through the passing of the Guadalupe Hidalgo Treaty of 1848. Remuneration was requested from the republic of Mexico which was granted by the U.S. This movement allowed and officially surrendered the land bounded by California and the Rio Grande river. Although Texas had been annexed in 1845 to be part of the Union as the 28th state, this ledRead MoreThe Domination Of Merchants And Land Lawyers Essay1496 Words  | 6 PagesLawyers David Montejano approaches the incorporation of Texas from the â€Å"least romantic and colorful†perspective of â€Å"the merchants and land lawyers†, noting that these â€Å"capital-based and export-oriented†¦ frontier folk†were the region’s principal architects (15). From strategic incorporation of Anglos into Mexican landed elite to the political exclusion of Texas Mexicans, and from the development of commercial agriculture to driving Mexicans from their land through coercion and fraud, both Anglo merchantsRead MoreThe Determination Of The Rio Grande1377 Words  | 6 PagesThe Determination of the Rio Grande being the Texas official border was influenced by many policies and beliefs. Although one large piece was influenced by the Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny was a belief that God wanted America to expand all the way to the west coast of the American Continent. The Americans wanted the Rio Grande to be the Texas border because of this b elief. However, Mexico objected and claimed that the Nueces River was the Texas border. 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The first major period of American foreign policy began in 1756, with the outbreak of the French and Indian war, and ends with the start of the Mexican-American war in 1846. This period has been chosen because it constitutes the formation of the American nation and identity. Many military actions and wars helped shape American identity prior to independence. However, the French and Indian War wasRead MoreThe Mexican American War Of Mexico2607 Words  | 11 Pages The Mexican-American War was the war between the United States and Mexico that took place in 1846 through 1848 over disputes of land. By the time that the United States invaded Mexico, Mexico had very few resources left to defend its nation, causing the United States to win the war and making it possible for it to claim half of New Mexico’s national territory. However, prior to the Mexican-America War, tired and exhausted Mexico was fighting a few battles of its own. The City of Mexico was livingRead MoreAmerica s Responsibility For Global Tensions With The United Soviet Socialist Republics6472 Words  | 26 Pagesresponsibility for the Cold War using war information, data, and patterns. American Cold War Responsibility The first major period of American foreign policy began in 1756, with the outbreak of the French and Indian war, and ends with the start of the Mexican-American war in 1846. This period has been chosen because it constitutes the formation of the American nation and identity. Many military actions and wars helped shape American identity prior to independence. However, the French and Indian War wasRead MoreMexican American War Essay4448 Words  | 18 PagesIntroduction/Background The Mexican American War began on April 25, 1846. The war lasted two years losing many men on both sides. The Mexican war was the third major fought by the United States. In 1810, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla triggers the beginning of Mexico’s fight for independence from Spain. Mexico gained its independence in 1821 after a long and bloody revolution against Spain. For Mexico, the war between them and the United States was a fight to keep their institutions and national integrityRead MoreTreaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo5187 Words  | 21 PagesRights. The story for Mexican-Americans is no different. The annexations of Texas in 1845 and the Mexican Cession in 1848 make evident the bulldozing efforts of the dominant Anglo culture to fulfill its â€Å"Manifest Destiny,†in spite its own declarations that â€Å"all men are created equal†and that the United States is a nation that believes in the personal freedoms of life, speech, property and religion. Confronted by the reality of Manifest Destiny and annexation, the new Mexican-Americans resistedRead MorePre-Columbian Period9302 Words  | 38 Pagesreach the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon[13] and the Great Plains. In 1540, De Soto undertook an extensive exploration of the present US and, in the same year, Francisco Và ¡zquez de Coronado led 2,000 Spaniards and Mexican Indians across the modern Arizona-Mexico border and traveled as far as central Kansas.[14] Other Spanish explorers include Lucas Và ¡squez de Ayllà ³n, Pà ¡nfilo de Narvà ¡ez, Sebastià ¡n Vizcaà no, Juan Rodrà guez Cabrillo, Gaspar de Portolà , Pedro Menà ©ndez
Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto Free Essays
Brief analysis report of Rio Tinto Rio Tinto is a British multinational metals and mining corporation with headquarters in London and a management office in Melbourne, Australia. The corporation was founded in 1873 and it ranked at the number 263 in Global 500 of largest worldwide companies in 2008. (Wikipedia, 2012) Rio Tinto’s net earning has decreased in the year 2011 mainly because of the financial crisis and global economic uncertainty (Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto or any similar topic only for you Order Now Meanwhile, the leadership claimed that they believe the long-term outlook is strong. Figure 1: Key Financial Data of Rio Tinto (from 2010 and 2011) Year Item | 2010 / US$ million| 2011 / US$ million| Net profit before tax| 20,491| 13,214| Net profit after tax| 15,098| 6,765| Total comprehensive income| 16,492| 4,365| Sales| 55,171| 60,537| Total assets| 112,773| 119,545| Current assets| 21,459| 21,898| Current liabilities| 12,876| 14,966| Cash flow from operating activities| 23,530| 27,388| (Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011) According to figure 1 the net profit margin of Rio Tinto in the year 2010 fell from27. 4% to 11. 2% in the year 2011. (net profit margin is equal to net profit after tax divided by sales revenue) The profit rate to net worth of this company in the year is 5. %. (profit rate to net worth is net profit after tax divided by average total assets) The investors should use comprehensive income figure rather than net profit because comprehensive income includes all changes in equity during a period. (comprehensive income is equal to net profit plus other comprehensive income) The operating cash flow increased by $US3,85 8 million from $US23,530 million in the year 2010 to $US27,388 million in the year 2011 meanwhile, the sales raised by $US5,366 million from $US55,171 millionin the year 2010 to 60,537 million US$ in the year 2011. This matter of fact indicates Rio Tinto expended $US1,580 million on operating the company. The current assets increased smoothly from $US21,459 million in the year 2010 to $US21,898 million in the year 2011. At the same period the current liabilities raised up dramatically from $US12,876 million in the year 2010 to $US14,966 million in the year 2011. This data shows the company did not work well in this period. (Figure 1) Rio Tinto will cutting office jobs in Melbourne and Sydney in Australia and the board of the company will cut support and service costs by 10 per cent around the world (Greg, 2012). Because they said they need to build resilience and controlling costs during a difficult time, which includes product price decreases and Europe’s debt crisis (Greg, 2012). Greg’s report (2012) also showed that the Rio Tinto’s first half net profit dropped dramatically to $US4. 9 billion ($A4. 69 billion) from $US7. 78 billion ($A7. 44 billion) last year. Not only Rio Tinto’s earnings has dropped but BHP Billiton’s earnings are forecast to drop at the same time the world’s biggest iron ore miner Vale also posted lower than expected second quarter earnings at two year lows(Greg,2012). In the group statement of financial position the goodwill of Rio Tinto has dropped almost half of that in the year 2010 which is from $US15,316 million to $US8,187 million(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). This matter of fact indicates that the company Rio Tinto appears to be done not well. The inventories of this company increase by $US551 million from $US4,756 million in the year 2010 to $US5,307 million in the year 2011(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). The inventories rise up means the product of Rio Tinto cannot be sold mainly because the economy is uncertain and the demand of the ore is weak. The current and non-current liabilities all raise heavily and the net assets decreases from $US64,512 million in the year 2010 to $US59,208 million in the year 2011(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). The liabilities rise up means the Rio Tinto tried to borrow money to pass the difficult time which lasting time is still uncertain. The net profit of Rio Tinto and other mining company decrease mainly because the commodity prices drop seriously. Commodity prices are formed by the interaction of global economic growth and costs of expanding supply of ommodities (Garnaut,n. d). According to Gurnaut’s article ‘the contemporary China resources boom’ China have been the main reason of high energy and metals prices since the year 2003. The article also claimed that Chinese growth has been the consequence of high investment rates and rapid increases in fringe population and the export share of production. The author believed that developing countries like China and India wil l still keep the commodity prices of ore in high level. In brief, although the financial and operating situation of the Rio Tinto is not well, the future of Rio Tinto will still be great because the demand of developing will be strong. Hence, it will be a good choice to invest Rio Tinto. Reference list Garnaut, R 2012, ‘The contemporary China resources boom’, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 222–243 Rio Tinto Ltd, 2011, Annual Report viewed 5 August 2012 http://www. riotinto. com/annualreport2011/pdf/rio_tinto_2011_annual_report. pdf Wikipedia2012, Rio Tinto Group, viewed 26 October 2012, http://de. wikipedia. org/wiki/Rio_Tinto_Group How to cite Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto, Essay examples
Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto Free Essays
Brief analysis report of Rio Tinto Rio Tinto is a British multinational metals and mining corporation with headquarters in London and a management office in Melbourne, Australia. The corporation was founded in 1873 and it ranked at the number 263 in Global 500 of largest worldwide companies in 2008. (Wikipedia, 2012) Rio Tinto’s net earning has decreased in the year 2011 mainly because of the financial crisis and global economic uncertainty (Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). We will write a custom essay sample on Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto or any similar topic only for you Order Now Meanwhile, the leadership claimed that they believe the long-term outlook is strong. Figure 1: Key Financial Data of Rio Tinto (from 2010 and 2011) Year Item | 2010 / US$ million| 2011 / US$ million| Net profit before tax| 20,491| 13,214| Net profit after tax| 15,098| 6,765| Total comprehensive income| 16,492| 4,365| Sales| 55,171| 60,537| Total assets| 112,773| 119,545| Current assets| 21,459| 21,898| Current liabilities| 12,876| 14,966| Cash flow from operating activities| 23,530| 27,388| (Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011) According to figure 1 the net profit margin of Rio Tinto in the year 2010 fell from27. 4% to 11. 2% in the year 2011. (net profit margin is equal to net profit after tax divided by sales revenue) The profit rate to net worth of this company in the year is 5. %. (profit rate to net worth is net profit after tax divided by average total assets) The investors should use comprehensive income figure rather than net profit because comprehensive income includes all changes in equity during a period. (comprehensive income is equal to net profit plus other comprehensive income) The operating cash flow increased by $US3,85 8 million from $US23,530 million in the year 2010 to $US27,388 million in the year 2011 meanwhile, the sales raised by $US5,366 million from $US55,171 millionin the year 2010 to 60,537 million US$ in the year 2011. This matter of fact indicates Rio Tinto expended $US1,580 million on operating the company. The current assets increased smoothly from $US21,459 million in the year 2010 to $US21,898 million in the year 2011. At the same period the current liabilities raised up dramatically from $US12,876 million in the year 2010 to $US14,966 million in the year 2011. This data shows the company did not work well in this period. (Figure 1) Rio Tinto will cutting office jobs in Melbourne and Sydney in Australia and the board of the company will cut support and service costs by 10 per cent around the world (Greg, 2012). Because they said they need to build resilience and controlling costs during a difficult time, which includes product price decreases and Europe’s debt crisis (Greg, 2012). Greg’s report (2012) also showed that the Rio Tinto’s first half net profit dropped dramatically to $US4. 9 billion ($A4. 69 billion) from $US7. 78 billion ($A7. 44 billion) last year. Not only Rio Tinto’s earnings has dropped but BHP Billiton’s earnings are forecast to drop at the same time the world’s biggest iron ore miner Vale also posted lower than expected second quarter earnings at two year lows(Greg,2012). In the group statement of financial position the goodwill of Rio Tinto has dropped almost half of that in the year 2010 which is from $US15,316 million to $US8,187 million(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). This matter of fact indicates that the company Rio Tinto appears to be done not well. The inventories of this company increase by $US551 million from $US4,756 million in the year 2010 to $US5,307 million in the year 2011(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). The inventories rise up means the product of Rio Tinto cannot be sold mainly because the economy is uncertain and the demand of the ore is weak. The current and non-current liabilities all raise heavily and the net assets decreases from $US64,512 million in the year 2010 to $US59,208 million in the year 2011(Annual report of Rio Tinto, 2011). The liabilities rise up means the Rio Tinto tried to borrow money to pass the difficult time which lasting time is still uncertain. The net profit of Rio Tinto and other mining company decrease mainly because the commodity prices drop seriously. Commodity prices are formed by the interaction of global economic growth and costs of expanding supply of ommodities (Garnaut,n. d). According to Gurnaut’s article ‘the contemporary China resources boom’ China have been the main reason of high energy and metals prices since the year 2003. The article also claimed that Chinese growth has been the consequence of high investment rates and rapid increases in fringe population and the export share of production. The author believed that developing countries like China and India wil l still keep the commodity prices of ore in high level. In brief, although the financial and operating situation of the Rio Tinto is not well, the future of Rio Tinto will still be great because the demand of developing will be strong. Hence, it will be a good choice to invest Rio Tinto. Reference list Garnaut, R 2012, ‘The contemporary China resources boom’, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 222–243 Rio Tinto Ltd, 2011, Annual Report viewed 5 August 2012 http://www. riotinto. com/annualreport2011/pdf/rio_tinto_2011_annual_report. pdf Wikipedia2012, Rio Tinto Group, viewed 26 October 2012, http://de. wikipedia. org/wiki/Rio_Tinto_Group How to cite Brief Analysis Report of Rio Tinto, Essay examples
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